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Emotional Highs and Lows of Realtors

Realtors' High Dropout Rates 

July 08, 20247 min read

The journey of a real estate agent is fraught with emotional highs and lows, a rollercoaster ride that many enter with enthusiasm but few endure to success. In this blog, we will explore the Emotional Cycle of Change as it applies to real estate agents, breaking down each stage: uninformed optimism, informed pessimism, the valley of despair, informed optimism, and success. We will also touch on the stark reality that not all realtors succeed in this competitive field, backed by statistics on the success and dropout rates.

Becoming a real estate agent is a dream for many, promising the allure of flexible hours, significant income potential, and the satisfaction of helping clients find their perfect homes. However, the reality is that the road to success is not straightforward and requires navigating through various emotional stages. Understanding these stages can equip aspiring real estate agents with the resilience and strategies needed to persevere.

Uninformed Optimism


Uninformed optimism is the initial stage where new real estate agents are filled with enthusiasm and high expectations. The prospects of high earnings and the excitement of a new career path fuel this optimism.


  • High Energy and Enthusiasm: New agents are eager to start, often overestimating their potential earnings.

  • Limited Knowledge: They have not yet encountered the challenges of the industry.

  • Positive Outlook: There is a strong belief in immediate success and easy transactions.

Real-World Example

Consider Jane, who just obtained her real estate license. She's thrilled about the future, attending networking events, and imagining closing deals quickly. Her enthusiasm is contagious, but she hasn't yet faced the market's reality.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about the market, potential challenges, and realistic timelines.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish short-term, achievable goals to build momentum.

Informed Pessimism


As new agents gain more experience, they enter the stage of informed pessimism. The initial excitement wanes as they encounter the industry's difficulties, such as tough competition, long hours, and the unpredictability of client behaviors.


  • Increased Awareness: Agents now understand the complexities and challenges of the job.

  • Diminished Enthusiasm: Initial excitement is replaced by doubt and concern.

  • Struggle with Motivation: Keeping the same level of enthusiasm becomes difficult.

Real-World Example

Jane now finds herself struggling to generate leads and close deals. She realizes that many of her initial expectations were unrealistic and starts questioning her decision to become a realtor.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Seek Support: Connect with a mentor or join a supportive community of real estate professionals.

  • Continuous Learning: Invest in further education and training to improve skills and knowledge.

The Valley of Despair


The valley of despair is the most challenging stage, where many agents consider quitting. The emotional and financial strain can be overwhelming, leading to a significant drop in morale.


  • High Stress and Frustration: Agents feel overwhelmed by setbacks and the slow pace of progress.

  • Consideration of Quitting: Many contemplate leaving the industry.

  • Emotional Exhaustion: The constant struggle can lead to burnout.

Real-World Example

Jane is now facing significant financial pressure and emotional fatigue. She's had several deals fall through and is finding it hard to stay motivated. The thought of quitting crosses her mind frequently.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Persistence is Key: Remember that this stage is temporary and part of the growth process.

  • Self-Care: Take care of your mental and physical health to avoid burnout.

  • Reassess Strategies: Evaluate your approach and make necessary adjustments.

The Allure of Shiny New Things

During this challenging stage, many agents are tempted by shiny new things—new tools, marketing strategies, or even different career paths. The allure of a quick fix can be strong, but it's often a distraction from the consistent effort needed to succeed in real estate.

Real-World Example

Jane starts considering switching to another industry or investing in the latest marketing gimmick, hoping for a quick turnaround. However, these distractions prevent her from focusing on the foundational work required for long-term success.

Tips for Avoiding Distractions

  • Focus on Fundamentals: Stick to proven strategies and continuous improvement.

  • Avoid Shortcuts: Understand that there are no shortcuts to sustained success in real estate.

  • Stay Committed: Remain dedicated to your long-term goals despite the challenges.

Informed Optimism


Agents who push through the valley of despair enter informed optimism. They now have a realistic understanding of the industry and have developed effective strategies to succeed.


  • Renewed Confidence: With experience, agents feel more capable and optimistic.

  • Effective Strategies: Implementation of successful tactics learned from previous stages.

  • Steady Progress: Gradual improvement and more consistent results.

Real-World Example

Jane has now developed a more robust client acquisition strategy, leveraging online marketing and referrals. She's closing deals more consistently and feels more confident in her abilities.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Maintain Momentum: Keep building on your successes and refining your strategies.

  • Stay Informed: Continue learning and adapting to market changes.

  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements to stay motivated.



The final stage is success, where agents achieve their goals and enjoy the fruits of their labor. This stage is characterized by stability, high performance, and often, leadership roles within the industry.


  • High Achievement: Consistently meeting or exceeding targets.

  • Industry Recognition: Building a strong reputation and gaining referrals.

  • Leadership Opportunities: Mentoring new agents and contributing to the community.

Real-World Example

Jane is now a top performer in her firm, with a steady stream of clients and a robust referral network. She is recognized as a leader and often speaks at industry events.

Tips for Maintaining Success

  • Give Back: Mentor new agents and share your knowledge.

  • Stay Innovative: Keep up with industry trends and continue improving.

  • Balance Work and Life: Ensure you maintain a healthy work-life balance to sustain long-term success.

Persistence Over Talent

It's important to note that agents who persist and endure the long haul often outperform and outlast those with exceptional skills but less perseverance. Success in real estate is less about innate talent and more about consistent effort, adaptability, and resilience.

Real-World Example

Jane's success is not solely due to her skills but her ability to stick through the tough times, continually learn, and adapt to market changes. Her perseverance has allowed her to outlast many of her peers who might have started with greater talent but lacked the same level of commitment.

Tips for Building Resilience

  • Stay Consistent: Regularly review and refine your strategies.

  • Embrace Challenges: View setbacks as opportunities for growth.

  • Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive colleagues and mentors.

The Harsh Reality: Not All Realtors Succeed

Despite the emotional journey towards success, it's essential to acknowledge that not all realtors make it. According to the National Association of Realtors, about 87% of new real estate agents quit within the first five years. This high dropout rate underscores the importance of resilience and continuous learning in the industry.

Success and Dropout Rates

  • Success Rate: Approximately 13% of new agents continue beyond five years and find sustainable success.

  • Dropout Rate: Around 87% of new agents leave the industry within five years due to various challenges.

Factors Contributing to High Dropout Rates

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Many enter the industry with unrealistic income expectations.

  • Lack of Support: Insufficient mentorship and support can lead to early burnout.

  • Market Competition: The highly competitive market can be daunting for newcomers.

The journey of a real estate agent is marked by an emotional cycle of change, from the initial uninformed optimism to the ultimate success. Understanding and navigating these stages can significantly enhance an agent's chances of long-term success. While the dropout rates are high, those who persevere and adapt can achieve remarkable success and fulfillment in their careers. For aspiring real estate agents, embracing this emotional journey and leveraging support systems can make all the difference in turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

In conclusion, while the path to success in real estate is demanding, those who can endure and persist will often find that their resilience and commitment are the true keys to outlasting and outperforming their peers.

Coaching plays a crucial role in this journey, providing the necessary guidance, support, and strategies to navigate the emotional cycle of change effectively. Free boot camp this month, attend in-person at 9228 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780 or via Zoom here.

#RealEstate #RealEstateAgents #RealtorLife #EmotionalCycleOfChange #RealEstateSuccess #RealEstateChallenges #RealtorTips #RealEstateJourney #RealEstateMentorship #FelixtheCoach #RealEstateCoaching #RealtorSupport #PersistenceInRealEstate #SuccessInRealEstate #RealtorMotivation #RealEstateResilience #OvercomingObstacles #RealEstateGrowth #RealtorCommunity #RealEstateAdvice

Real estate market competitionReal estate agent growthLong-term success in real estateRealtor success strategiesReal estate coachingReal estate agent tipsReal estate agent burnoutReal estate mentorshipOvercoming real estate obstaclesReal estate agent resilienceRealtor motivation
blog author image

Felix Hung

Felix is a real estate coach, mentor, real estate trainer, public speaker and a corporate trainer for some real estate companies. Former branch manager at Realty ONE Group and First Team Real Estate.

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Emotional Highs and Lows of Realtors

Realtors' High Dropout Rates 

July 08, 20247 min read

The journey of a real estate agent is fraught with emotional highs and lows, a rollercoaster ride that many enter with enthusiasm but few endure to success. In this blog, we will explore the Emotional Cycle of Change as it applies to real estate agents, breaking down each stage: uninformed optimism, informed pessimism, the valley of despair, informed optimism, and success. We will also touch on the stark reality that not all realtors succeed in this competitive field, backed by statistics on the success and dropout rates.

Becoming a real estate agent is a dream for many, promising the allure of flexible hours, significant income potential, and the satisfaction of helping clients find their perfect homes. However, the reality is that the road to success is not straightforward and requires navigating through various emotional stages. Understanding these stages can equip aspiring real estate agents with the resilience and strategies needed to persevere.

Uninformed Optimism


Uninformed optimism is the initial stage where new real estate agents are filled with enthusiasm and high expectations. The prospects of high earnings and the excitement of a new career path fuel this optimism.


  • High Energy and Enthusiasm: New agents are eager to start, often overestimating their potential earnings.

  • Limited Knowledge: They have not yet encountered the challenges of the industry.

  • Positive Outlook: There is a strong belief in immediate success and easy transactions.

Real-World Example

Consider Jane, who just obtained her real estate license. She's thrilled about the future, attending networking events, and imagining closing deals quickly. Her enthusiasm is contagious, but she hasn't yet faced the market's reality.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about the market, potential challenges, and realistic timelines.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish short-term, achievable goals to build momentum.

Informed Pessimism


As new agents gain more experience, they enter the stage of informed pessimism. The initial excitement wanes as they encounter the industry's difficulties, such as tough competition, long hours, and the unpredictability of client behaviors.


  • Increased Awareness: Agents now understand the complexities and challenges of the job.

  • Diminished Enthusiasm: Initial excitement is replaced by doubt and concern.

  • Struggle with Motivation: Keeping the same level of enthusiasm becomes difficult.

Real-World Example

Jane now finds herself struggling to generate leads and close deals. She realizes that many of her initial expectations were unrealistic and starts questioning her decision to become a realtor.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Seek Support: Connect with a mentor or join a supportive community of real estate professionals.

  • Continuous Learning: Invest in further education and training to improve skills and knowledge.

The Valley of Despair


The valley of despair is the most challenging stage, where many agents consider quitting. The emotional and financial strain can be overwhelming, leading to a significant drop in morale.


  • High Stress and Frustration: Agents feel overwhelmed by setbacks and the slow pace of progress.

  • Consideration of Quitting: Many contemplate leaving the industry.

  • Emotional Exhaustion: The constant struggle can lead to burnout.

Real-World Example

Jane is now facing significant financial pressure and emotional fatigue. She's had several deals fall through and is finding it hard to stay motivated. The thought of quitting crosses her mind frequently.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Persistence is Key: Remember that this stage is temporary and part of the growth process.

  • Self-Care: Take care of your mental and physical health to avoid burnout.

  • Reassess Strategies: Evaluate your approach and make necessary adjustments.

The Allure of Shiny New Things

During this challenging stage, many agents are tempted by shiny new things—new tools, marketing strategies, or even different career paths. The allure of a quick fix can be strong, but it's often a distraction from the consistent effort needed to succeed in real estate.

Real-World Example

Jane starts considering switching to another industry or investing in the latest marketing gimmick, hoping for a quick turnaround. However, these distractions prevent her from focusing on the foundational work required for long-term success.

Tips for Avoiding Distractions

  • Focus on Fundamentals: Stick to proven strategies and continuous improvement.

  • Avoid Shortcuts: Understand that there are no shortcuts to sustained success in real estate.

  • Stay Committed: Remain dedicated to your long-term goals despite the challenges.

Informed Optimism


Agents who push through the valley of despair enter informed optimism. They now have a realistic understanding of the industry and have developed effective strategies to succeed.


  • Renewed Confidence: With experience, agents feel more capable and optimistic.

  • Effective Strategies: Implementation of successful tactics learned from previous stages.

  • Steady Progress: Gradual improvement and more consistent results.

Real-World Example

Jane has now developed a more robust client acquisition strategy, leveraging online marketing and referrals. She's closing deals more consistently and feels more confident in her abilities.

Tips for Navigating This Stage

  • Maintain Momentum: Keep building on your successes and refining your strategies.

  • Stay Informed: Continue learning and adapting to market changes.

  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements to stay motivated.



The final stage is success, where agents achieve their goals and enjoy the fruits of their labor. This stage is characterized by stability, high performance, and often, leadership roles within the industry.


  • High Achievement: Consistently meeting or exceeding targets.

  • Industry Recognition: Building a strong reputation and gaining referrals.

  • Leadership Opportunities: Mentoring new agents and contributing to the community.

Real-World Example

Jane is now a top performer in her firm, with a steady stream of clients and a robust referral network. She is recognized as a leader and often speaks at industry events.

Tips for Maintaining Success

  • Give Back: Mentor new agents and share your knowledge.

  • Stay Innovative: Keep up with industry trends and continue improving.

  • Balance Work and Life: Ensure you maintain a healthy work-life balance to sustain long-term success.

Persistence Over Talent

It's important to note that agents who persist and endure the long haul often outperform and outlast those with exceptional skills but less perseverance. Success in real estate is less about innate talent and more about consistent effort, adaptability, and resilience.

Real-World Example

Jane's success is not solely due to her skills but her ability to stick through the tough times, continually learn, and adapt to market changes. Her perseverance has allowed her to outlast many of her peers who might have started with greater talent but lacked the same level of commitment.

Tips for Building Resilience

  • Stay Consistent: Regularly review and refine your strategies.

  • Embrace Challenges: View setbacks as opportunities for growth.

  • Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive colleagues and mentors.

The Harsh Reality: Not All Realtors Succeed

Despite the emotional journey towards success, it's essential to acknowledge that not all realtors make it. According to the National Association of Realtors, about 87% of new real estate agents quit within the first five years. This high dropout rate underscores the importance of resilience and continuous learning in the industry.

Success and Dropout Rates

  • Success Rate: Approximately 13% of new agents continue beyond five years and find sustainable success.

  • Dropout Rate: Around 87% of new agents leave the industry within five years due to various challenges.

Factors Contributing to High Dropout Rates

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Many enter the industry with unrealistic income expectations.

  • Lack of Support: Insufficient mentorship and support can lead to early burnout.

  • Market Competition: The highly competitive market can be daunting for newcomers.

The journey of a real estate agent is marked by an emotional cycle of change, from the initial uninformed optimism to the ultimate success. Understanding and navigating these stages can significantly enhance an agent's chances of long-term success. While the dropout rates are high, those who persevere and adapt can achieve remarkable success and fulfillment in their careers. For aspiring real estate agents, embracing this emotional journey and leveraging support systems can make all the difference in turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

In conclusion, while the path to success in real estate is demanding, those who can endure and persist will often find that their resilience and commitment are the true keys to outlasting and outperforming their peers.

Coaching plays a crucial role in this journey, providing the necessary guidance, support, and strategies to navigate the emotional cycle of change effectively. Free boot camp this month, attend in-person at 9228 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780 or via Zoom here.

#RealEstate #RealEstateAgents #RealtorLife #EmotionalCycleOfChange #RealEstateSuccess #RealEstateChallenges #RealtorTips #RealEstateJourney #RealEstateMentorship #FelixtheCoach #RealEstateCoaching #RealtorSupport #PersistenceInRealEstate #SuccessInRealEstate #RealtorMotivation #RealEstateResilience #OvercomingObstacles #RealEstateGrowth #RealtorCommunity #RealEstateAdvice

Real estate market competitionReal estate agent growthLong-term success in real estateRealtor success strategiesReal estate coachingReal estate agent tipsReal estate agent burnoutReal estate mentorshipOvercoming real estate obstaclesReal estate agent resilienceRealtor motivation
blog author image

Felix Hung

Felix is a real estate coach, mentor, real estate trainer, public speaker and a corporate trainer for some real estate companies. Former branch manager at Realty ONE Group and First Team Real Estate.

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